After a rigorous analysis of this
article, the commission concluded that there is important relationship between
the two books. The author presents the sacred scriptures of the Jewish people
as fundamental part of the Christian Bible. That is to say, without the sacred
scriptures of the Jewish people, the Christian Bible would be incomplete. The Old
Testament is presented as the base of the Bible. The article confirms that the New
Testament has a real value because of its establishment on the basis which is the
scripture. The Christians faith is based on the events, and on the conformity
with the revelations contained in the ‘’sacred scriptures’’ of the Jewish
people. According to cardinal Vonhoye, this constitutes a very strong link
between Christians and Jews.
In the light of this article, we can
say that the New Testament recognizes the authority of the sacred scriptures of
the Jewish people. The article demonstrates that the New Testament uses the
same language of the one found in the ``sacred scriptures’’. In this sense, we
understand that the scriptures cannot be put aside. For cardinal Venhoye, the Jewish
scripture is still valuable today in order to guide the life of Christians.
From this article, we can say that
even new testament, its self asserts the conformity with the Jewish people`s
scriptures. The accomplishment of the scriptures shows the relationship between
Christians and Jews. The Old Testament is not enough to enlighten us about this
matter. A decisive progress is found in the New Testament. In this sense, New Testament
is considered as accomplishment of promises from the Old Testament.
hand, the article recognizes the serious disagreement between the majority of Jews
and New Testament. In particular, Judaism
which excludes faith in Jesus Christ as messiah and son of God. This point of view is not acceptable to the
Christians. In the currents Judaism, the
law is at the center of everything. The
law in which we found the essential institutions revealed by God himself. The
New Testament, on the contrary, gives more importance to the phonetics texts,
where is revealed the mystery of Christ.
In conclusion, the article shows how
closer is the sacred scriptures of Jewish people to Christian Bible. However,
it recognizes the serious disagreement with the vast majority of the Jews especially,
those who do not believe in Jesus Christ. The reproaches addressed to Jews are
not virulent or in terns of hostility. They are in the sense of progression and
continuity. The Old Testament is inseparable from the New Testament. The Jews
and Christians share a rich common patrimony that unites them.