Before anything else, I
have to go back to the movie and examine closely its main events. This will
serve as a basis for my critical analysis of the movie ``Hero’’.
The movie ‘’Hero’’ has two main characters, Bernie
Laplante and John Bubber; Whom I call ‘’real
‘’ for the first and ‘’fake hero
‘’ for the second. Laplante was a
notorious criminal, and Bubber was a homeless.
Everything started when Laplante rescued survivors of a
plane crash. Then he lost his shoe in that process. What seems strange is that,
in spite of this great act of saving many lives; Laplante left the place where the
event occurred without being indentified. That is to say, he did it anonymously.
On his way, he met a homeless John Bubber to whom he gave his remaining shoe.
Since it was useless to keep one shoe without the other.
After that event, the
media urged the rescuer to pronounce himself for some rewards (US 1,000,000$). Since
the rescuer could not be identified, the only proof was the remaining shoe. While
Laplante was in jail, Bubber used the shoe he received from him in order to
take credit for the incredible act of heroism. Therefore, he was
sensationalized by the media. The reporter Gayley, one of the survivors, contributed
a lot in the recognition of Bubber as ‘’hero’’;
thinking that he was the one who pulled her out of the burning plane. She even
found herself, later on, falling in love with him.
After he became aware of
the event, Laplante tried to convince the people that Bubber was a fake guy, saying
that he was the one who carried out that act. Nobody believed him. Since he was
known as a criminal nobody believed he could have done such a charitable act.
Until the end of the movie he was not able to convince the people to believe
From this story, we learn
a number of moral lessons as Christians. In this reflection, I would like to
focus on conscience, forgiveness, mutual-respect, listening and sacrifice in
view of others.
What looks strange is that
John Bubber consciously knew that he was not the one who rescued the survivors.
Why didn`t he tell the truth? He was happy to be praised and glorified. He even
started teaching the good deeds; whereas, he was not the real hero. From this point of view, we can notice that conscience
as “sense of right or wrong as regards thoughts and actions”[1],
did not work in him. He lacked
sincerity. He was not honest, he violated the moral principle of honesty.
Although he was not the real hero,
media acknowledged him and made of him a great idol. From this fact, the movie
exposes how the media can create a fraudulent idol.
On the other hand, Bubber
lies were accepted and became inspiration for people. After being elevated as hero,
he started teaching the good deeds. One of his inspirational statement is ‘’we
are all heroes if you catch us at the right moment’’. Despite his first act of
fraud regarding the rescuing of the survivors during plane crash, we have to
recognize Bubber also as hero in risking his life in order to save Laplante who
was falling from the ledge of a building.
Concerning Laplante who spontaneously and anonymously
risked his life and saved many people, he can be considered as a good example
of humility. He said in the movie,’’ I don’t take a credit I am a cash kind of
guy’’. It’s an example of keeping low profile in life that I call analogically
humility. This teaches us not to take too much pride in what we do.
In addition, Bernie
Laplante gives us an example of forgiveness in the light of his meeting with
Bubber on the ledge of the building. The reporter Gayley doubting of the
corroboration of Bubber`s heroic profile confronted Laplante. She threw him and Bubber into a four-alarm showdown on
the top ledge of the building. There, Laplante convinced Bubber, who was about
to suicide, that it`s not good to kill himself. Instead of taking revenge on a
fraudulent hero, he talked to him kindly, even agreeing that the world needs
hero; and the only one the people will accept is John Bubber. Somehow, this
attitude shows that he forgave him for what he did. Forgiveness is a great
value in our life as Christian.
Moreover, the movie
teaches us also the value of listening. People should have listened to Laplante
when he was claiming his heroic act, so they could know the truth. Even if he
was known as a criminal, it’s his right to be listened. If they did not know the real hero, it`s because of their
lack of sense of listening. In other words, even if someone is a murderer,
stealer, he/she has the right to be listened to and his words be taken
This movie teaches us as
well a lesson of mutual-respect. Nobody could expect that Laplante would save
many people by risking his own life as he did. Based on this great act,and as Christians we are called to respect each other, even the
less fortunate in our society. This is the principle of mutual-consideration.
Each one of us is
important in a specific way; it’s just matter of event and time as said Bubber
in the movie. Laplante (petty criminal) ordinary guy rescued many people; meaning,
even the ordinary people can save the world.
To conclude this movie
gives the opportunity to acquire several moral orientations. Firstly,
selflessness and altruistic orientation in the light of Bernie Laplante who
risked his life several times in order to save others` lives. We can link this to
Jesus Christ who laid down his life for us, as said Saint John, ‘’ we
ought to lay down our lives for others’’[2].
Secondly, we have to believe in the possibility of goodness in human beings,
including bad people. In the light of Laplante and Bubber in the movie; in
spite of their limitations they were ready to sacrifice their lives in order to
save others. Thirdly listening is very important in our life as Christian.
Finally we have to be honest, never get or keep what doesn’t belong to us and
always tell the truth. We have to keep in mind that even the ordinary person as
homeless or criminal, can do an action that can positively impact on people
Heritier Kalonda,cicm